Since 2019, people's donations have helped 100,000 needy people receive one or more #HealthyCharity life-changing poverty solution products.
Based on our experience and field research, your donation will be MULTIPLIED by up to 50 times to create an exponential charitable Impact on the finances and lives of needy families!
How can my donation possibly be multiplied up to 50X?
Every $10 given to provide a solar lamp to a needy family will save them $500 over 5 years! This is because they will never have to buy kerosene or candles again and their sickness and medical costs will decrease.
So, a $10 solar lamp has a 50-fold $500 impact on a family!
Every $40 for a low-smoke cookstove saves a family up to 80% in weekly wood or charcoal costs. These savings add up to $1000 or more in 5 years!
Click to read a New York newspaper article on the impact of your donation.
Click here or the blue button to make your gift grow by up to 50X!
Do you want to make the lives of a lot of needy families brighter and better forever?
If YES, help sponsor one of our #SharetheLight Gospel Events (watch TV interview video) for a group of 50, 100, 250, 500 or 1000 famiies.
Every $10 will provide a solar lamp gift to every family at the event. For 50 families we need $500, 100 families will needs $1000, 200 famlies needs $2000, 500 famliies needs $5000, 1000 famliies needs $10,000, etc.
$500 becomes $25K, $1000 becomes $50K, $2000 becomes $100K,
$5000 becomes $250K, and $10000 becomes $500K!
Click here or the blue button to make a life-changing online donation
OR MAIL YOUR CHECK to: P.O. Box 480 Wheaton, IL 60187. Questions? Contact Brian Kluth at 719.930.4000
Most people in Uganda do not have access to consistent electricity, so they have to use toxic and dangerous a kerosene lamp or a candle. So, we provide them with the world's #1 solar lamp. A $10 solar lamp will impact a family 50-fold ($500) over 5 years!
Most people in Uganda do not have clean water to drink which leads to sickness and even death. So, we provide families the world's #1 water filter. A $50 solar lamp will impact a family's health and happiness every day of their lives!
Many people cook over a smoky open fires that cause deadly diseases. Our cookstoves produce 80% less smoke and require 70-80% less wood or charcoal. A cookstove will help the average family save $4 per week ($1,000 over 5 years)..
#SharetheLight Gospel events cost $10 per family. Events are for groups of 50s, 100s, or 1000s. Each family receives the gift of a free solar lamp. These donations have a 50-fold exponential impact on a family's finances (the $10 solar lamp will improve a family's finances by $500 over 5 years).
Many families in Uganda are not able to grow enough food to feed their families. So, we provide training so they have enough to eat. Week-long train the trainer on-site farming courses are available in Uganda for $300. For families, $50 for a hoe and seeds will allow them to grow enough food to feed their family for an entire year.
Some people in Uganda cannot read or write or cannot afford a Bible, so we provide them with a free Bible app (audio and text) in 20 languages spoken in Uganda.
Founders Contact Information:
Brian Kluth 719.930.4000 cell -
Mary Ellen Kluth 303.956.9356 cell -
Home: 34 Lookout Mountain Cir. Golden, CO 80401
Donations Mailing Address: P.O. Box 480 Wheaton, IL 60187 Donation Processing Questions or Problems, contact: Vicky Bailey 630-871-6867
Donor Advised Fund Grants/Donations
If you are giving a gift from a Donor Advised Fund, Healthy Charity is an Africa Project under the 501(c) NGO Faith & Learning International at P.O. Box 480 Wheaton, IL 60187. Be sure to include a memo with your gift is for the Healthy Charity project.